French court orders Google to block Max Mosley orgy pictures

Former FIA chairman Max Mosley speaks to the press in central London on November 29, 2012
Former FIA chairman Max Mosley speaks to the press in central London on November 29, 2012

A French court on Wednesday ordered Google to prevent its search engine from providing links to images of a sadomasochist orgy involving former Formula One boss Max Mosley.

Google had strongly opposed Mosley's request, arguing that it would set a dangerous legal precedent for censorship of the internet.

The landmark ruling relates to nine widely circulated images taken from a video of the orgy that was filmed by Britain's now defunct News of the World.

© 2013 AFP

Citation: French court orders Google to block Max Mosley orgy pictures (2013, November 6) retrieved 11 July 2024 from
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