No bail for man accused in Russian technology sale

(AP)—A federal judge has denied bail to the owner of a Texas microelectronics company accused of conspiring to sell advanced technology to the Russian military.

Judge George Hanks Jr. ordered Alexander Fishenko and two other Houston defendants Thursday to federal custody in Brooklyn, where they face numerous charges.

Fishenko's lawyer, Eric Reed, said Fishenko likely would appeal the detention order there.

Prosecutors arguing against bail said the Kazakh-born naturalized was a flight risk. Reed argued his client wouldn't flee because he has a 7-year-old son in the .

Fishenko, owner of Houston-based Arc Electronics Inc., and seven of his employees were arrested last week. Prosecutors say Fishenko instructed co-workers and associates to cover their tracks as they conspired to sell the highly regulated .

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Citation: No bail for man accused in Russian technology sale (2012, October 11) retrieved 8 September 2024 from
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