Family: Pa. school snared 1,000s of webcam images

(AP) -- A meeting is set Friday between lawyers for a Pennsylvania school district accused of spying on students through laptop webcams and lawyers for several families involved in a related lawsuit.

Student Blake Robbins says Lower Merion District officials secretly activated the webcams and captured him sleeping in bed and partly undressed. They say the school also took screen shots of instant messages he exchanged with friends.

And his lawyer says they have evidence the school captured thousands of screenshots and webcam images, many taken inside students' homes.

The district admits it made mistakes in activating the webcams to locate missing laptops. But officials insist they have no evidence employees used the improperly.

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Citation: Family: Pa. school snared 1,000s of webcam images (2010, April 16) retrieved 13 July 2024 from
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Pa. school: Webcams used only on missing laptops


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