Innovations in Light-Emitting Wallpaper & Design

Light Emitting Wallpaper
Light Emitting Wallpaper

Jonas Samson of the Netherlands has developed a light emitting wallpaper. The Dutch designer has stretched the utility and craft to form a work of art for his products. In other work he utilizes Freestyle Blowmoulding to create vases, jugs and other objects of art from PVC tubes and halved soda bottle molds. His work is unique in its usefulness and beauty.

Vases from Industrial Tubes
Vases from Industrial Tubes

Jonas Samson of the Netherlands has developed a two-dimensional flat surface wallpaper that emits a light source.

The paper can be tuned on and off. In the off position, the wallpaper is indistinguishable from any other wall covering surface.

His work has been on display in Amsterdam at the Design Scoops during September, 2007. His next exhibit will be October 20-28 at Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Mr. Samson has received favorable reviews by Fengshangweekly dot com, and Trendhunter dot com.

Jonas Samson explores the utility, art and craft of turning conventional items into a work of high tech design. In his other work he utilizes a process called Freestyle Blowmoulding to produce works of art and utility from standard industrial products. These products can be produced with speed and accuracy.

The Freestyle Blowmoulding is achieved by pressing air into PVC tubes and pre-formed tubes that are from the halved soda bottles to create works of art and consumer products. The range of products include, trendy jug containers, vases and other home products.

Each design that is created is unique, but may be massed produced. The art form is the result of the combined efforts of art, craft and commercial utility. The finished product is in part controlled by the production process that may involve a level of chance. This slight level of unpredictability creates the uniqueness of the objects of art.

Citation: Innovations in Light-Emitting Wallpaper & Design (2007, October 17) retrieved 3 July 2024 from
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