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Why petting your cat leads to static electricity

Anyone who has ever pet a cat or shuffled their feet across the carpet knows that rubbing objects together generates static electricity. But an explanation for this phenomenon has eluded researchers for more than two millennia.

Metasurfaces: Tiny tech with big potential

Imagine manipulating light with ultra-thin, flat sheets instead of bulky lenses and mirrors. That's the promise of metasurfaces, a nanostructure technology that can twist and bend light in ways never before possible.

More news

Spin-controlled generation of a complete polarization set with randomly interleaved plasmonic metasurfaces
Advances in optical micronanofiber-enabled tactile sensors and soft actuators
Illuminating the unavoidable imperfections of nanostructures
Manipulation of nanolight provides new insight for quantum computing and thermal management
New varactor enhances quantum dot device measurements at millikelvin temperatures
Researchers demonstrate metasurfaces that control thermal radiation in unprecedented ways
Advancing nanoscale imaging capabilities with dynamic nuclear polarization
World's first micromachine twists 2D materials at will
A world first: Qubit coherence decay traced to thermal dissipation
Low-cost flexible metasurfaces to increase the efficiency of optoelectronic devices
Unveiling the power of hot carriers in plasmonic nanostructures
Team develops method for control over single-molecule photoswitching
Quantum pumping in molecular junctions: Theoretical model could lead to switches and amplifiers
Photolithography research shows computer chips have the potential to become even smaller
Carbon nanotubes study finds local solvation is decisive for fluorescence of biosensors
Novel X-ray imaging technique resolves fusion-related nanofoams in 3D
Precise stirring conditions key to optimizing nanostructure synthesis
New X-ray world record: Looking inside a microchip with 4 nanometer precision
Researchers reveal atomic-scale details of catalysts' active sites
Understanding the forces that regulate crystallization by particle attachment

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Researchers identify unique phenomenon in Kagome metal

In traditional Japanese basket-weaving, the ancient "Kagome" design seen in many handcrafted creations is characterized by a symmetrical pattern of interlaced triangles with shared corners. In quantum physics, the Kagome ...