Get hard-hitting, focused analyses of critical concerns facing inner-city schools in Urban Education (UEX). This publication provides thought-provoking commentary on key issues from gender-balanced and racially diverse perspectives. Articles cover topics such as mental health needs of urban students, student motivation and teacher practice, school-to-work programs and community economic development, restructuring in large urban schools and health and social services.

Impact factor
0.557 (2011)

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Zero tolerance policies unfairly punish black girls

Black girls are disproportionately punished in American schools - an "overlooked crisis" that is populating the school-to-prison pipeline at rising rates, two education scholars argue in a new paper.

Belonging helps Black, Latino students feel engaged

A new study led by a North Carolina State University researcher found that a group of predominantly Black and Latino sixth-graders reported they were more likely to pay attention, work hard and participate in class discussions ...

Cross-racial teaching studied

Kelly Sassi, assistant professor in the School of Education and English department, and Amy Carpenter Ford, an assistant professor from Central Michigan University, co-wrote the article, "Authority in Cross-Racial Teaching ...

Parent input ignored in school closings

Officials who close neighborhood schools in poor, urban areas often ignore parents' input, which only reinforces the "institutionalized racism that plagues U.S. schools," a Michigan State University scholar argues.

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