Significance, established in 2004, is a magazine published bimonthly by both the Royal Statistical Society and the American Statistical Association. The major part of the content consists of articles on topics of statistical interest presented at a level suited to a general audience. It is not a research journal and articles are not peer reviewed. The founding editor was Helen Joyce, now at The Economist, and Frank Duckworth also served on its Editorial Board. The current editor is Julian Champkin. It replaced the Royal Statistical Society's journal, Series D 'The Statistician'. As well as ordinary articles in the magazine, additional "virtual issues" (collections of articles on a particular subject area) are made available online. The magazine's website was launched the same day as World Statistics Day in 2010 and includes news, videos and book reviews. Members of both the Royal Statistical Society and the American Statistical Association receive Significance. It is also available by subscription in print, online and on iPad. The frequency of publication will increase to 8 issues per year by 2013 having originally been quarterly and transitioning to bimonthly in 2012.


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Models make predictions on Olympic medals

How many medals will each country win in Rio at this Summer's Olympic Games? Researchers who derived predictions from two different models anticipate that the USA, China, Russia, and the UK will retain their top positions ...

The pros and cons of statistical tools to spot cartels

Experts estimate that illegal cartels of businesses harm consumers to the tune of many billions of dollars annually as they secretly collude to set prices, allocate territory, and distort market competition for their own ...

Christmas cracker pulling: How to send everyone home a winner

According to experts' statistical analyses, if you're expecting 10 guests for dinner on Christmas day, 15 crackers—those festive cardboard tubes filled with a one-size-fits-no-one paper hat, a small toy, and a groan-inducing ...

Did an exceptional iceberg sink the Titanic?

While the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 is typically blamed on human, design and construction errors, a new Significance paper points to 2 other unfavorable factors outside human control: there were a greater number of icebergs ...

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