Science Signaling is a weekly journal, publishing 51 issues a year, as well as an online resource and information management tool that enables experts and novices in cell signaling to find, organize, and utilize information relevant to processes of cellular regulation. The overarching goal of Science Signaling is publish key findings of broad relevance in the field of cell signaling and to provide articles, community features, tools, and online resources that enable readers to gain insight into cellular regulatory processes. An additional goal of the site is to provide an authoritative database of cell signaling information that is accessible to readers and useful for computer-based analysis.

American Association for the Advancement of Science
United States

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Study identifies a key protein in blood vessel growth

Blood vessels are responsible for the appropriate and efficient delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the whole body. To do so, they must grow and branch to reach every cell in a process called angiogenesis. The precise regulation ...

Researchers decode targets for hundreds of signaling enzymes

When cells in the human body sense a change in the environment, molecules known as kinases can help them respond: these specialized enzymes activate proteins, propagating signals within a cell that ultimately alter its function. ...

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