Institute of Physics , National Institute for Materials Science
Impact factor
3.220 (2010)

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Dual-action therapy shows promise against aggressive oral cancer

In a new study, scientists at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine found a promising new way to treat a type of oral cancer known as oral squamous cell carcinoma. The method specifically targets the cancer cells ...

Stabilizing mRNA vaccines for delivery to cells

Vaccines and therapies based on messenger RNA could be more readily delivered due to a non-toxic polymer that protects RNA and controls its release inside cells.

Face-down: Gravity's effects on cell movement

Researchers at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) and colleagues in Japan have developed a specially coated, light-responsive surface that helps test how the direction of gravity impacts cell movements. The ...

Biocompatible polymer protection for vaccines and drugs

A biocompatible polymer could help deliver vaccines and drugs with reduced risk of the rare dangerous adverse reaction called anaphylaxis. Researchers at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology ...

Spintronics: A new tool at BESSY II for chirality investigations

Information on complex magnetic structures is crucial to understand and develop spintronic materials. Now, a new instrument named ALICE II is available at BESSY II. It allows magnetic X-ray scattering in reciprocal space ...

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