Looking for LUCA, the last universal common ancestor

Around 4 billion years ago there lived a microbe called LUCA: the Last Universal Common Ancestor. There is evidence that it could have lived a somewhat 'alien' lifestyle, hidden away deep underground in iron-sulfur rich hydrothermal ...

Vital interplay between microorganisms and extracellular minerals

Some minerals abundant in soils and in aquatic and subsurface sediments electronically support microbial growth by supplying electrons or storing them as "environmental batteries," according to this new review article. Microbial ...

Review examines machine learning concepts for microbiologists

In a review in Nature Reviews Microbiology, Professor Levi Waldron and colleagues highlight the increasing importance of machine learning in microbiology, where it is used for tasks such as predicting antibiotic resistance ...

What is CRISPR? And how can it be used to turn genes 'off'?

CRISPR systems have been a hot research topic since they were shown to have utility as genetic engineering tools in 2012. And they're often explained in a way that most folks can understand. But those explanations often overlook ...

90 percent of Earth's species are overlooked in conservation

One of the biggest problems for conservation today is that it ignores 95% of all known species on Earth. Could a company ignored that proportion of its clients or a government so many of its voters? So why does this problem ...

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