Monitoring organs and cells in living fly larvae

Small changes in a cell's composition can radically transform its function and drive the development of diseases like diabetes, cancer or neuronal dysfunction. Scientists led by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in ...

A tool to democratize nanopore research

A nanopore is a tiny hole in a thin membrane with a diameter of around a billionth of a meter, or about the width of a single DNA molecule. The potential applications of these nanopores are so diverse—from medicine to information ...

Highly sensitive epigenomic technology combats disease

Much remains unknown about diseases and the way our bodies respond to them, in part because the human genome is the complete DNA assembly that makes each person unique. A Virginia Tech professor and his team of researchers ...

Producing electricity at estuaries using light and osmosis

Most renewable power technologies are weather dependent. Wind farms can only operate when there's a breeze, and solar power plants rely on sunlight. Researchers at EPFL are working on a method to capture an energy source ...

Single-atom nanozymes

Nanozymes are catalytic nanomaterials with enzyme-like characteristics that have attracted enormous recent research interest. The catalytic nanomaterials offer unique advantages of low cost, high stability, tunable catalytic ...

Scientists develop protocol for chemical imaging at the nanoscale

Chemical imaging of surfaces is critical to understand the relationships between structural, chemical and functional properties in disciplines ranging across the chemical, material and biological sciences. Conventional methods ...

Measuring forces of living cells and microorganisms

Forces exerted by a living cell or a microorganism are tiny, often no larger than a few nanonewtons. For comparison, one nanonewton is the weight of one part in a billion of a typical chocolate bar. Yet, for biological cells ...

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