When negotiating, it pays to know your customer

A new study of the time-honored tradition of haggling over new car prices shows that sales personnel who are trained to understand a customer's price sensitivity will strike a better deal for their employers.

Alliterative product promotions pique purchasers

New research shows that promotional messages that use alliteration - the phonetic overlap of the beginnings of words - hold a greater appeal for consumers than non-alliterative messages, even accounting for cost differences.

Study examines return policy effect on consumer behavior

In 2014, product returns totaled about $280 million across all U.S. retailers. New research from UT Dallas examined existing studies on return policies to quantify the policies' effect on consumers' purchase and return behavior. 

The art of maintaining productive sales channel partnerships

As manufacturers well know, the nuances of interpersonal relationships are writ large in the context of sales channel partner programs, and knowing how to manage them is a surprisingly delicate business. A paper forthcoming ...

Cracking the code for selling into the developing world

Consumers in the developing world are some of the world's best customers - emerging economy markets have contributed more than half of the Coca-Cola Co.'s global revenue since 2006, and Mexico, China, and Brazil were the ...

Everything you always wanted to know about marketing channels

For academics, practitioners, and generalists alike, an article forthcoming in the December 2015 issue of the Journal of Retailing can serve as a handy guide to the massively studied science of marketing channel systems. ...

Finding the markets in emerging markets

The billions of consumers in developing countries are tantalizing to global consumer packaged goods companies, but they're hardly low-hanging fruit. They're more like a mega-crop of berries hanging off the tiniest, most difficult ...

Think global, act local goes for e-commerce, too

Taking an e-commerce business global isn't just a matter of translating the text and product details into the local language and measurement scale, a new meta-analysis of e-excellence points out. Almost every aspect of an ...

Real competitors enhance thrill of auctions

The thrill is part of the game—whoever waits for his bid to be accepted on online auction platforms, feels the excitement in the bidding war for the object of desire. The heart beats faster, palms start to sweat. Physiological ...

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