Change in geometry improves aerodynamics

Kids and dogs understand the force of air, when they stick their hands and heads out of moving cars only to feel them pushed back. It may be invisible, but air is like a see-through net dragging a vehicle back as it strains ...

New device converts DC electric field to terahertz radiation

Terahertz radiation, the no-man's land of the electromagnetic spectrum, has long stymied researchers. Optical technologies can finagle light in the shorter-wavelength visible and infrared range, while electromagnetic techniques ...

New metamaterials device focuses sound waves like a camera lens

( -- In a cover article in The Journal of Applied Physics, a team of Penn State researchers has designed and computationally tested a type of manmade metamaterial capable for the first time of manipulating a variety ...

New insights into the polymer mystique for conducting charges

For most of us, a modern lifestyle without polymers is unthinkable… if only we knew what they were. The ordinary hardware-store terms we use for them include "plastics, polyethylene, epoxy resins, paints, adhesives, rubber"—without ...

Getting a smart tattoo without a needle

A tattoo that is warning you for too many hours of sunlight exposure, or is alerting you for taking your medication? Next to their cosmetic role, tattoos could get new functionality using intelligent ink. That would require ...

Important step in understanding of light scattering

A team of researchers from the University of Twente and from Philips in the Netherlands has succeeded in taking an important step in understanding how light is scattered, absorbed and re-emitted in white light emitting diodes ...

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