Machine learning highlights ways to improve flood mitigation

Flooding in the United States costs communities more than $32 billion each year. As climate change drives increasingly severe and erratic storm events, experts project that figure to rise in coming years: Forecasts estimate ...

Exploring just how extreme future storms could get

Storms that drop exceptionally high volumes of precipitation often cause flooding and otherwise imperil human safety, infrastructure and ecosystems. As climate change progresses, such extreme events are likely to become even ...

Century's end may bring annual 100-year floods

Most coastal communities will encounter 100-year floods annually by the end of the century, even under a moderate scenario where carbon dioxide emissions peak by 2040, a new study finds. And as early as 2050, regions worldwide ...

Disparities found in who dwells behind US levees

In the United States, tens of millions of people live behind levees, but historically disadvantaged groups are more likely to live behind subpar levees and have fewer resources to maintain critical levee infrastructure, ...

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