Using origami DNA to trap large viruses

A team of researchers from the Technical University of Munich and the University of Regensburg, both in Germany, has found that it is possible to build origami DNA structures that can be used to trap large viruses. In their ...

World's whitest paint now thinner than ever, ideal for vehicles

The world's whitest paint—seen in this year's edition of Guinness World Records and "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert"—keeps surfaces so cool that it could reduce the need for air conditioning. Now the Purdue University ...

Liquid metal sticks to surfaces without a binding agent

Everyday materials such as paper and plastic could be transformed into electronic "smart devices" by using a simple new method to apply liquid metal to surfaces, according to scientists in Beijing, China. The study, published ...

The medicine of the future could be artificial life forms

Creating artificial life is a recurring theme in both science and popular literature, where it conjures images of creeping slime creatures with malevolent intentions, or super-cute designer pets. At the same time, the question ...

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