Novel strategy to track adulterants in milk

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed a low-cost and effective method to detect adulterants in milk, by analyzing deposition patterns after evaporation. It was designed by Virkeshwar Kumar, ...

New way to simulate hydrogen storage efficiency of materials

Hydrogen energy has the potential to be a key measure to meet the United Nations net zero emissions target, but its industrial use has been hindered by the difficulty in its storage and handling. Hydrogen becomes a gas at ...

Blowing up medieval gunpowder recipes

First used for battle in China in about 900 A.D., gunpowder spread throughout Eurasia by the end of the 13th century, eventually revolutionizing warfare as a propellant in firearms and artillery. Meanwhile, master gunners ...

ArtSea Ink: a colorful, seaweed-based ink for 3D printing

Some artists are embracing 3D printing as a new medium, allowing them to create intricate 3D compositions that are difficult to produce in any other way. But the rigid, plastic-based materials used in many 3D printers require ...

Cleaner water through corn

Corn is America's top agricultural crop, and also one of its most wasteful. About half the harvest—stalks, leaves, husks, and cobs—remains as waste after the kernels have been stripped from the cobs. These leftovers, ...

Temperature sensor could help safeguard mRNA vaccines

Scientists have developed vaccines for COVID-19 with record speed. The first two vaccines widely distributed in the U.S. are mRNA-based and require ultracold storage (-70 C for one and -20 C for the other). Now, researchers ...

Mystery of the nanobubbles solved

Water containing suspended nanobubbles is utilized in many biological and medical applications. For example, nanobubbles increase the efficiency of drug and gene delivery. Water containing oxygen nanobubbles is used in wastewater ...

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