AI-driven dynamic face mask adapts to exercise, pollution levels

During the coronavirus pandemic, many people have grown accustomed to wearing face masks to protect themselves and others, but that doesn't mean the masks are always comfortable—especially during exercise. Now, researchers ...

How Toxoplasma parasites glide so swiftly

If you're a cat owner, you might have heard of Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan that sometimes infects humans through contact with contaminated feces in litterboxes. Although harmless to most people, T. gondii can cause serious ...

Imaging technique provides link to innovative products

When we think about the links to the future—the global transition to solar and wind energy, tactile virtual reality or synthetic neurons—there's no shortage of big ideas. It's the materials to execute the big ideas—the ...

New material aids in neural stimulation using light

The ability to target and stimulate neurons brings a host of benefits including better understanding brain function and treating neurological diseases. Currently, state-of-the-art microelectrode arrays (MEAs) can stimulate ...

Thumb-sized device quickly 'sniffs out' bad breath

No one wants bad breath—not when visiting friends and family, at a job interview, and especially not on a first date. Smelly breath can make things awkward, but it also is a natural warning sign, indicating that serious ...

Untapped power: Logical operations using RNA droplets

RNA droplets can now be used to perform logical operations that take microRNA sequences as inputs, report scientists from Tokyo Tech. By self-assembling into network-like structures, RNA molecules form liquid-state droplets. ...

Nanoparticle flu vaccine design shows promise in early tests

Existing flu vaccines provide only limited, seasonal protection because they target highly changeable proteins on the virus. Scripps Research scientists have now designed a vaccine that should work broadly against influenza ...

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