Upcycling polyester could reduce plastic waste

Less than 10% of the 380 million metrics tons of annually produced plastics are currently recycled in the U.S., creating a global environmental threat caused by plastic production and the absorption of millions of tons of ...

Fractured artificial rock helps crack a 54-year-old mystery

Princeton researchers have solved a 54-year-old puzzle about why certain fluids strangely slow down under pressure when flowing through porous materials, such as soils and sedimentary rocks. The findings could help improve ...

Load-bearing entanglements in polymer glasses

The role of entanglements can determine the mechanical properties of glass polymer blends. In a new report now published on Science Advances, Cynthia Bukowski and a research team in polymer science and biomolecular engineering ...

Polymers 'click' together using green chemistry

SOF4 is a gas that was discovered over a hundred years ago but is rarely used because it is difficult to prepare and highly reactive. Now a collaboration of chemists including Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Professor ...

Self-healing liquid-metal elastomers

Soft electronics are increasingly in demand for diverse applications, but they lack rigid enclosures and are therefore susceptible to premature disposal after electronic applications. It is therefore necessary to create soft ...

Scientists construct first-ever synthetic DNA-like polymer

Double helical covalent polymers—which are spiraling collections of nature's building blocks—are fundamental to life itself, and yet, despite decades of research, scientists have never been able to synthesize them in ...

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