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Research predicts rise in tropical hydraulic failure

Hydraulic failure in tropical environments is expected to increase, according to new research published in New Phytologist. As weather patterns change and temperatures rise, plants will need to adapt in order to survive. ...

Beetles cooperate on tricky dung moves

Dung beetles are among the strongest animals in the world. They also possess an exceptional ability to cooperate. Research shows that female and male spider dung beetles together are able to move large dung balls across difficult ...

More news

Plants & Animals
New mechanism uncovered for the reduction of emu wings
Plants & Animals
Another new wasp species discovered by researchers
Plants & Animals
Polar bears found to have diverged from brown bears just 70,000 years ago
Plants & Animals
Do cats know their own dimensions and use that knowledge to squeeze through tight openings?
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Apes understand reasons behind each other's actions, research finds
Plants & Animals
Study finds marine animals in untouched habitats are at greater risk from human impacts than previously thought
Plants & Animals
Scientists quantify energetic costs of the migratory lifestyle in a free flying songbird
Plants & Animals
Glue in the face: How frogs' sticky secretions defend them from attack
Plants & Animals
Study identifies possible novel species in fish genus endemic to Neotropics
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Which plant species will survive the global change challenge?
Plants & Animals
Risk to jaguar habitat illuminates additional costs of drug war
Plants & Animals
Study explores metabolic disruptions in Artemisia annua mutant strain
Plants & Animals
Unraveling the conservation conundrum of China's native Jacktree
Plants & Animals
Public attention on the invasive lionfish helps monitor its ecological impact in real time
Plants & Animals
'Scuba-diving' lizards use bubble to breathe underwater and avoid predators
Plants & Animals
Study discovers that fruit flies' visual navigation tactics differ by environment
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The power of one: Study finds solitary carnivores outkill group hunters
Plants & Animals
Primates bond for their own benefit: Study underlines the decisive role that females play
Plants & Animals
Biologists find that hardship early in life can affect health and longevity—even for marmots
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Possum shrimp use their cave's special smell to trace their way home, study finds

Other news

Quantum Physics
Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows
Cell & Microbiology
New method developed to relocate misplaced proteins in cells
New biosensor illuminates physiological signals in living animals
Many people in the Pacific lack access to adequate toilets—and climate change makes things worse
Earth Sciences
New tool to help decision makers navigate possible futures of the Colorado River
Saturday Citations: Football metaphors in physics; vets treat adorable baby rhino's broken leg
General Physics
Scientists propose a new method to search for dark matter using LIGO
General Physics
Physicist reveals tailwind has negligible effect on cycling speed
Mysterious Pacific Ocean sounds identified as a type of whale—a new AI app helps track them
Observers detect intraday variability of blazar 1ES 1426+42.8
A possible explanation for the 'missing plastic problem': New detection technique finds microplastics in coral skeletons
AI tools help uncover enzyme mechanisms for lasso peptides
Cell & Microbiology
Genome sequence analysis identifies new driver of antimicrobial resistance
Molecular & Computational biology
New data science tool greatly speeds up molecular analysis of our environment
Light momentum turns pure silicon from an indirect to a direct bandgap semiconductor
Planetary Sciences
Citizen science collaboration yields precise data on exoplanet WASP-77 A b
Earth Sciences
Study reveals large ocean heat storage efficiency during the last deglaciation
Bio & Medicine
Recharging mitochondria—nanoflowers offer a new way to simulate energy production to improve aging ailments
Evolved in the lab, found in nature: Uncovering hidden pH sensing abilities in microbial cultures
Bio & Medicine
Study shows cholesterol enhances exosome-mediated RNA drug delivery

Technicians counting salmon expect to see grizzlies

In the middle of the fast-flowing Chilkoot River, an Alaska state employee sits on a small perch over a narrow, fence-like structure and stares down into the rush of water.

The silent conversations of plants

This morning, my six-year-old came into our bedroom and started reading a story from a book. She followed each word on the page, slowly forming full sentences. Sometimes she stumbled and asked for help with some "funny words," ...