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Unlocking the frost-defying secrets of the white water lily

Agricultural productivity faces a chilling threat from cold stress, which can stunt plant growth and reduce yields. The white water lily, enduring the harsh winters of high-altitude habitats, presents a unique model for studying ...

Researchers discover mysterious new beetle species in Guatemala

Together with a Brazilian–German team, Senckenberg researcher Vinicius S. Ferreira has described a new species from the glowworm beetle genus Adendrocera. This group of insects is rare and only documented by very few specimens ...

Study reveals key gene in Delphinium petal differentiation

A recent study investigated the role of the APETALA3–3 ortholog in shaping the diverse morphologies of petals in Delphinium anthriscifolium. This gene, previously known for its function in petal identity, is now revealed ...

Starlings' migratory behavior found to be inherited, not learned

Young, naïve starlings are looking for their wintering grounds independently of experienced conspecifics. Starlings are highly social birds throughout the year, but this does not mean that they copy the migration route from ...

Research finds humpbacks were happier during pandemic pause

University of Queensland-led research has found migrating humpback whales off Australia's east coast became less stressed over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research paper is published in Marine Environmental ...

Offshore windfarms: A threat for electro-sensitive sharks?

An ongoing research project into the impact of offshore windfarm electromagnetic fields on shark development reveals that the alternating electric currents produced by underwater windfarm cables seems not to disrupt the growth ...

Rare footage reveals intimate family lives of blue whales

The intimate family lives of blue whales, including a blue whale nursing its calf underwater, has been revealed in extraordinary footage captured in a project led by an international marine ecologist from Charles Darwin University ...

Grasses in the fog: Plants support life in the desert

Researchers from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment (SHEP) at the University of Tübingen and the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Görlitz have studied the role of the desert grass Stipagrostis ...

More news

Plants & Animals
Sparrows as sentinels: Health study illustrates the interconnectedness of humans and wildlife
Plants & Animals
Whale had fishing lines 'embedded' into body: Rescue took multiple days
Plants & Animals
These oldest inhabited termite mounds have been active for 34,000 years
Plants & Animals
Exploring the casque anatomy of aerial jousting helmeted hornbills
Plants & Animals
Scientists pinpoint strategies that could stop cats from scratching your furniture
Plants & Animals
Blue and great tits deploy surprisingly powerful memories to find food, finds study
Plants & Animals
Human crying stresses out dogs more than pigs, finds study of family pets
Plants & Animals
Climate change is driving tree species towards colder and wetter regions, study shows
Plants & Animals
Discovering a new piranha species in the Amazon Basin
Plants & Animals
Why cats meow at humans more than each other
Plants & Animals
Dealing with a taboo: Do hunting and fishing bring us closer to nature?
Plants & Animals
Whale sharks given a health check with ultrasound imaging technique
Plants & Animals
Artificial light is a deadly siren song for young fish
Plants & Animals
Yes, some animals can have babies without a mate. Here's how
Plants & Animals
Newborn white rhino Silverio takes his first giant steps in a Chilean zoo in a boost to his species
Plants & Animals
Exploring bird breeding behavior and microbiomes in the radioactive Chornobyl Exclusion Zone
Plants & Animals
Discovering new anti-aging secrets from the world's longest-living vertebrate
Plants & Animals
Some birds win and some lose with sea level rise, expert says
Plants & Animals
Pregnant fish can also get 'baby brain,' but not the way that mammals do
Plants & Animals
Shark hatching success drops from 82% to 11% in climate change scenario

Other news

Bio & Medicine
Team uses 'nanoruler' to determine threshold for tissue permeability of brain tumors
Analytical Chemistry
Unlocking the potential of anti-perovskites through a convenient one-step synthesis route
Optics & Photonics
Scientists develop new technique for bespoke optical tweezers
Cell & Microbiology
Bacterial glitter: New findings open up possibilities for sustainable color technologies
Ancient dingo DNA shows modern dingoes share little ancestry with modern dog breeds
Optics & Photonics
New technique offers unprecedented control over light at terahertz frequencies
Cell & Microbiology
New discovery boosts bioethanol production efficiency and profits
Analytical Chemistry
Textile scientists offer fresh insights on why some clothes get smellier
Astronomers find surprising ice world in the habitable zone with JWST data
Quantum Physics
A new approach to realize quantum mechanical squeezing
Earth Sciences
Polar warming may be underestimated by climate models, ~50 million year old climate variability suggests
Study projects major changes in North Atlantic and Arctic marine ecosystems due to climate change
Lithium ion batteries a growing source of PFAS pollution, study finds
Two new variable stars detected in globular cluster NGC 6558
Earth Sciences
Researchers use 1,000 historical photos to reconstruct Antarctic glaciers before a dramatic collapse
Quantum Physics
Researchers realize time reversal through input-output indefiniteness
Features of H5N1 influenza viruses in dairy cows may facilitate infection, transmission in mammals
Researchers predict new phase in neutron stars that favors 'nuclear pasta'
Shedding light on Scotland's first 'almost-mammal,' Saurodesmus robertsoni
Planetary Sciences
Nearby exoplanet has trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide, Webb data suggest

Study reveals gut cells' role in marine worm regeneration

The sea worm Platynereis dumerilii is only a few centimeters long, but has a remarkable ability: In just a few days, it can regenerate entire parts of its body after an injury or amputation. By focusing more specifically ...

Researchers train sheep to complete awake MRI imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique commonly used to explore the brains of sheep. Until now, it had only been performed under general anesthesia, to ensure the animal's immobility. Anesthesia, however, leads to ...