
A surprisingly soft mineral may control how Earth recycles rocks

The geological events we see on the surface of the Earth as mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes are expressions of processes that are happening deep in our planet. Here on the Earth's crust, we're part of a conveyor belt ...

Scientists capture the fleeting dance of moiré excitons

Published in the journal Nature, scientists from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC), and Stanford University have, in a world-first, imaged ...

An 'oracle' for predicting the evolution of gene regulation

Despite the sheer number of genes that each human cell contains, these so-called "coding" DNA sequences comprise just 1% of our entire genome. The remaining 99% is made up of "non-coding" DNA—which, unlike coding DNA, does ...

Climate change and lithium mining negatively influence flamingos

Lithium is powering the world's electric vehicles, making the metal a key part in the quest to reduce carbon emissions. But the combination of lithium mining and climate change in the Andes Mountains may be negatively influencing ...

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