
How to spark a chemical chain reaction

Tailor-made protein drugs in the fight against cancer and other diseases are a step close, with the Centre for NanoScale Science and Technology at Flinders playing a part in one of the latest chemistry discoveries in effectively ...

Research team creates hydrogel adhesives to seal wounds

A Band-Aid adhesive bandage is an effective way to stop bleeding from skin wounds, but an equally viable option for internal bleeding does not yet exist. Surgical glues are often used inside the body instead of traditional ...

Birdsong loss would echo silence in the forests

South-East Queensland is in danger of losing one of the last remaining populations of the Eastern bristlebird, one of Australia's most melodic songbirds, a study has shown.

From foe to friend—how carnivores could help farmers

Across the globe, the numbers of carnivore species such as leopards, dingoes, and spectacled bears are rapidly declining. The areas they occupy are also getting smaller each year. This is a problem, because carnivores are ...

Video: Tour a Mars robot test lab

NASA's InSight lander looks a bit like an oversized crane game: when it lands on Mars this November, its robotic arm will be used to grasp and move objects on another planet for the first time.

Scaling silicon quantum photonic technology

An international team of quantum scientists and engineers led by the University of Bristol and involving groups from China, Denmark, Spain, Germany and Poland, have realised an advanced large-scale silicon quantum photonic ...

Scientists gain new visibility into quantum information transfer

When we talk about "information technology," we generally mean the technology part, like computers, networks, and software. But information itself, and its behavior in quantum systems, is a central focus for MIT's interdisciplinary ...

The science of preserving Henry VIII's 1200+ cannonballs

In a ground-breaking partnership between The Mary Rose, UCL and Diamond Light Source, the Mary Rose's Head of Conservation, Dr. Eleanor Schofield and her colleagues are working at the cutting edge of conservation science ...

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