
Facing climate change, cities trade sea walls for parks

To protect itself from a devastating flood, Boston was considering building a massive sea wall, cutting north to south through nearly four miles of Boston Harbor, taking $11 billion and at least 30 years to build. But a new ...

A cavernous hangar for Google's huge ambitions

Google has moved a step closer to transforming the historic Spruce Goose hangar in the Playa Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles into a state-of-the-art office and production facility, the latest sign of how tech giants are ...

Metallic nanocatalysts imitate the structure of enzymes

An international team of researchers has transferred certain structural characteristics of natural enzymes, which ensure particularly high catalytic activity, to metallic nanoparticles. The desired chemical reaction thus ...

Tracking the hazards and benefits of volcanoes in East Africa

More than 100 young volcanoes – that have had activity within about 10,000 years – dot the landscape of the East African Rift – an area that runs for more than 3000 kilometres from Djibouti and Eritrea, down through ...

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