
New insights into evolution of gene expression

Vertebrate organs organize physiological activities, and the diverse expression patterns of thousands of genes determines organ identities and functions. Because of this, the evolution of gene expression patterns plays a ...

Trees living fast die young

A global analysis reveals for the first time that across almost all tree species, fast growing trees have shorter lifespans. This international study further calls into question predictions that greater tree growth means ...

Producing technicolor through brain-like electronic devices

Structural coloration promises to be the display technology of the future as there is no fading—it does not use dyes—and enables low-power displays without a strong external light source. However, the disadvantage of ...

Cooperate on climate or 'we will be doomed': UN chief

World powers must pull together and retool their economies for a green future or humanity is "doomed", UN chief Antonio Guterres has warned, telling AFP that failure to control the coronavirus pandemic illustrates the danger ...

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