
Giving chance a helping hand

New research from ETH Zurich shows that holding events for new students before they enter university is an investment that pays off. Incoming students benefit from the chance to meet, mingle and form friendships at orientation ...

Human hair used to make flexible displays for smart devices

Researchers from the Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University have developed a method for turning small hair strands into carbon nanodots, which are tiny, uniform dots that are one-millionth of a millimeter. ...

First global map of rockfalls on the moon

A research team from ETH Zurich and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen counted over 136,000 rockfalls on the moon caused by asteroid impacts. Even billions of years old landscapes are still changing.

Researchers use machine learning to aid oil production

Skoltech scientists and their industry colleagues have found a way to use machine learning to accurately predict rock thermal conductivity, a crucial parameter for enhanced oil recovery. The research, supported by Lukoil-Engineering ...

New coating material for surgical tools

Spin-off company NChemi Engineering Nanomaterials, created from the Center for the Development of Functional Materials (CDMF) in Brazil, has presented new technology resulting from projects developed by the Universitat Jaume ...

A sharper view of flood risk

By generalizing a classical statistical model and adapting it for use in analyzing the extremes of rainfall in large datasets, researchers, including KAUST's Raphaël Huser, have devised a more efficient and flexible analytical ...

Reusing chicken litter shows benefits

Chicken is the most consumed protein in the United States. According to the National Chicken Council, the U.S. produced more than 9.2 billion broiler chickens in 2019. US consumers spent more than 95 billion dollars on chicken ...

Most deprived children face biggest risk of unemployment

Children growing up in jobless households will be less likely to gain employment in an economic recession, according to a new cross-European study led by UCL and the University of Bath.

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