
Job satisfaction not a persistent effect of wage increases

After a wage increase, people tend to be more satisfied with their jobs—and even more so when what they have gained exceeds the wage increases of their colleagues. Yet, this effect on job satisfaction is not persistent. ...

Toward a better prediction of solar eruptions

A single phenomenon may underlie all solar eruptions, according to researchers from the CNRS, École Polytechnique, CEA and INRIA in an article featured on the cover of the February 8 issue of Nature. They have identified ...

Bird senses can improve drone navigation

South American oilbirds combine echolocation and extremely sensitive vision to find their way through dark caves. Decoding how they do this could help develop autonomous drones.

Tesla aims to calm fears over Model 3 production

A day after launching one of its cars into space, Tesla moved Wednesday to ease concerns on earth over production delays for its Model 3, the key to future growth for the star electric carmaker.

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