
Electromagnetic radiation protection shields developed

The environment contains electromagnetic radiation and magnetic fields of natural and artificial origin. Even a short electromagnetic pulse is enough to knock any equipment out of operation. Candidate of Sciences (Physics ...

Protein in zebrafish found to keep out sperm of other fish

A small team of researchers with the Vienna Biocenter has discovered that a protein that exists on the exterior of zebrafish eggs acts as a sentry—allowing only sperm from zebrafish to enter. In their paper published in ...

Curiosity surveys a mystery under dusty skies

After snagging a new rock sample on Aug. 9, NASA's Curiosity rover surveyed its surroundings on Mars, producing a 360-degree panorama of its current location on Vera Rubin Ridge.

Bio-inspired materials decrease drag for liquids

An eco-friendly, coating-free strategy has been developed to make solid surfaces liquid-repellent, which is crucial for the transportation of large quantities of liquids through pipes. Researchers from KAUST's Water Desalination ...

Invasive pines fueled 2017 fires in South Africa

The replacement of natural fynbos vegetation with pine plantations in the southern Cape, and the subsequent invasion of surrounding land by invasive pine trees, significantly increased the severity of the 2017 Knysna wildfires. ...

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