
Stealthy destroyer ready to set sail to join US Navy

The largest and most expensive destroyer ever built for the U.S. Navy once headed to sea in a snowstorm during builder trials. Now, it's heading into the remnants of a tropical storm as it leaves Maine for good.

Mobile price wars as Indian tycoon pledges free 4G

Outside a tiny Reliance store in a trendy Mumbai neighbourhood, residents queued for hours this week for a new SIM card promising free data—and a dramatic reshaping of the Indian mobile landscape.

Michigan moves to not require human in driverless test cars

Michigan would no longer require that someone be inside a self-driving car while testing it on public roads under legislation passed unanimously Wednesday by the state Senate, where backers touted the measures as necessary ...

Native people's rights violated in name of 'conservation': UN

Some of the world's leading conservation groups are violating the rights of indigenous people by backing projects that oust them from their ancestral homes in the name of environmental preservation, a top UN expert said this ...

Vietnam's 'Silicon Valley' sparks startup boom

Recent Vietnamese graduate looking for an English-language teacher? There's an app for that. Or hunting the best bowl of pho in your Hanoi neighbourhood? There's now an app for that, too.

Record-holding US astronaut and two Russians return to Earth

An American astronaut who set the US record for cumulative time in orbit safely returned to Earth early Wednesday along with two Russian cosmonauts after a six-month mission aboard the International Space Station.

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