
Forecasting ocean 'weather'

Checking the daily weather forecast is something most of us do out of habit. Now, fishermen, offshore oil workers and even surfers can do the same with the Atlantic's "ocean weather," thanks to a model prediction tool created ...

Should we sample time series more frequently?

A team of statisticians from the Universities of Bristol and Southampton and the Office for National Statistics have been chosen to present a prestigious Read (Discussion) Paper at a plenary session of the Royal Statistical ...

Human aichi virus atomic structure identified

Using cryo-electron microscopy, an international group of scientists has solved the atomic structure of the human aichi virus (AiV), a rather unusual but poorly characterized picornavirus that is very common and can cause ...

Study finds increased ocean acidification due to human activities

Oceanographers from MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution report that the northeast Pacific Ocean has absorbed an increasing amount of anthropogenic carbon dioxide over the last decade, at a rate that mirrors the increase ...

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