
Capturing elephants from the wild shortens their lives

Humans have been capturing wild Asian elephants for more than 3,000 years, and this continues today despite the fact that the populations are declining. An international team of researchers has now analysed records of timber ...

Renovations lead to big improvement at Nuclear Astrophysics lab

In nature, the nuclear reactions that form stars are often accompanied by astronomically high amounts of energy, sometimes over billions of years. This presents a challenge for nuclear astrophysicists trying to study these ...

Catalysts for better biofuel production

Biomass is far more complex than conventional feedstock and the development of the necessary catalysts is traditionally a lengthy and complicated process. For Europe to meet its long-term target of reducing greenhouse gas ...

Symmetrical cleavage of disulphides is fast and biocompatible

A team of researchers led by Prof. Frank Glorius and Michael Teders from the University of Münster and by Prof. Dirk Guldi from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg have presented a new chemical reaction path which may prove ...

A quiet Sunday night discovering a supermassive black hole

Earlier this year, on a quiet Sunday night, my colleague Jack and I found the fastest-growing supermassive black hole in the known universe. We were fortunate to be part of the team that made one of the greatest discoveries ...

Mathematician discusses solving a seemingly unsolvable equation

After 10 years, Prof. Raimar Wulkenhaar from the University of Münster's Mathematical Institute and his colleague Dr. Erik Panzer from the University of Oxford have solved a mathematical equation which was considered to ...

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