
NASA Goddard involved in New Horizons from start

Three billion miles of space travel and 26 years of careful planning and execution ago, New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern, now of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, gave his first talk about ...

When is the price right for selling water?

Research from the University of Adelaide has provided new insights into how Australian farmers and irrigators may respond to certain market conditions, and when they are more likely to sell their water entitlements.

Giant spider webs make another appearance in Dallas area

While traveling down CA Roan Drive in Rowlett recently, people have been exposed to an "eerie" sight on a number of trees lining that route, said Mike Merchant, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service urban entomologist in Dallas.

Image: Smoke still rising from California's fires

The fires that have been plaguing California are still not releasing their grip on the state.  A more intensive feature regarding these fires can be found in the August 04 update. 

Focused laser power boosts ion acceleration

An international team of physicists has used carbon nanotubes to enhance the efficiency of laser-driven particle acceleration. This significant advance brings compact sources of ionizing radiation for medical purposes closer ...

Saturn's rings in a supercomputer

Why do some planets, like Saturn or Jupiter, have rings, while others, like Earth or Mars, do not? It turns out that "size does not matter"—gas giants like Saturn are not the only bodies that can possess rings; even tiny ...

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