
Different tools to deal with medfly pest

Research has revealed a management technique involving sterilising the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) is a more cost effective alternative of eradicating the pest in the face of a looming pesticide ban.

A model for ageing

Life is short, especially for the killifish, Nothobranchius furzeri: It lives for only a few months and then its time is up. During that short lifespan it passes through every phase of life from larva to venerable old fish. ...

In Africa, more smoke leads to less rain, NASA shows

A new NASA study shows that agricultural fires in North Africa reduce the region's rainfall during the dry season, in a longstanding example of humans unintentionally modifying weather and regional climate. The study is the ...

Warning Area in Arctic airspace to aid research and exploration

A 700-mile-long airspace that stretches north from Oliktok Point—the northernmost point of Alaska's Prudhoe Bay—to about 400 miles short of the North Pole has been put under the stewardship of Sandia National Laboratories ...

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