
Poverty's impact on well-being is hard to ignore

Life expectancy in the UK varies dramatically depending on where you live. As a recent BBC Panorama investigation highlighted, "the rich live longer and the poor die younger". The presenters visited Stockton-on-Tees in County ...

Ammonia synthesis—the greatest innovation of the 20th century

In addition to being a well-known cleaning product, ammonia is essential in the manufacture of fertilizers. The chemical process to synthesize ammonia has hardly changed in 100 years, and is still essential, although scientists ...

Earthquakes can be weakened by groundwater

Researchers from EPFL and the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris have found that the presence of pressurized fluid in surrounding rock can reduce the intensity of earthquakes triggered by underground human activities like ...

California's raging wildfires cause another death

California's deadly Carr wildfire—now the state's sixth most destructive—has claimed another life with a power linesman killed on the job its seventh fatality, officials said Sunday.

Slovenians strive to live in peace with bears

When he used to go hunting, Miha Mlakar would dream of killing a bear. But today the 33-year-old from Slovenia makes his living watching the animals, peacefully, in their natural forest environment.

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