
Europe bakes again in near-record temperatures

Europe baked in near-record temperatures on Monday but hopes were for some respite after weeks of non-stop sunshine as people come to terms with what may prove to be the new normal in climate change Europe.

The marriage of topology and magnetism in a Weyl system

Topology is a global aspect of materials, leading to fundamental new properties for compounds with large relativistic effects. The incorporation of heavy elements gives rise to non-trivial topological phases of matter, such ...

Image: Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko horizon

On 6 August of 2014, after a decade of travelling through interplanetary space, ESA's Rosetta spacecraft arrived at its final target: Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G). The mission was the first to successfully land ...

Handshake makes for better deals in business

Like any ritual, a handshake may seem like a bizarre gesture when you really stop to consider it. "Why do we touch hands and move them up and down?" says Juliana Schroeder, an assistant professor at UC Berkeley's Haas School ...

Mice individuality is influenced by their relations

Individuality is not exclusive to humans. Though this idea was previously rebutted by biologists, today, it is accepted that individuality is found in all animal species. It is defined as all the behavior differences between ...

Key gene to accelerate sugarcane growth is identified

Despite international breeding efforts, advanced agronomy and effective management of pests and diseases, sugarcane yields have been static for decades owing to constraints on culm development. The culm's sugar storage capacity ...

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