
A method to improve in vitro tests

Before new nanoparticles or other nanomedicines can be injected into the human body, a whole series of tests must be conducted in the laboratory, then in living cells, and in the end on humans. But often the results obtained ...

New diode features optically controlled capacitance

A team of researchers at the Israel Institute of Technology has developed a new capacitor with a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) diode structure that is tunable by illumination. The capacitor, which features embedded ...

Similar lipids cluster in soybean cell membrane model

A cell's plasma membrane forms a protective barrier, separating its inner contents from the outside environment. There is a pressing need to better understand the complex lipid bilayer that makes up this membrane, which limits ...

Students launch green phone-charging firm

An eco-friendly phone charging network is being launched by three engineering students from the University of Exeter. The ambitious trio - Hugo Tilmouth, Hakeem Buge and Chris Aoun - have set up a business which will hire ...

How the Arctic Ocean became saline

The Arctic Ocean was once a gigantic freshwater lake. Only after the land bridge between Greenland and Scotland had submerged far enough did vast quantities of salt water pour in from the Atlantic. With the help of a climate ...

Follow the fantastic voyage of the ICARUS neutrino detector

It's lived in two different countries, and it's about to make its way to a third. It's the largest machine of its kind, designed to find extremely elusive particles and tell us more about them. Its pioneering technology is ...

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