
Mapping activation of zygotic genome at high resolution

Embryonic development is initially controlled by maternal genetic information stored in the egg. LMU researchers now describe a methodology that allows the succeeding activation of the zygotic genome to be mapped at high ...

Platform would protect smartphones from cyber criminals

Criminals don't have to pick your pocket to get what they want out of your mobile. But a certifiably secure operating platform is being developed by Swedish researchers so that consumers can be confident that their mobile ...

Ornithologists discover flight causes genome shrinkage

(Phys.org) —It has long been known that birds and bats have small genomes, but the cause was uncertain. Now researchers at the University of New Mexico have shown that the genome shrinks over evolutionary time in species ...

Cassini nears 100th Titan flyby with a look back

(Phys.org) —Ten years ago, we knew Titan as a fuzzy orange ball about the size of Mercury. We knew it had a nitrogen atmosphere—the only known world with a thick nitrogen atmosphere besides Earth. But what might lie beneath ...

Joyriders make a black market of prestige Twitter handles

Joyriding – stealing a car just for the fun of it – is a signature act of troublemaking teenagers seeking excitement and a chance to show off their bravado. But while car theft is among the most common adolescent crimes, ...

Cytoskeletons get a closer look

(Phys.org) —Rice University researchers have developed a theoretical approach to analyze the process by which protein building blocks form the biopolymer skeletons of living cells.

GOSSS catalogue clears the way for study of massive stars

Only one in two million stars in our galactic environment is of type O, a category that includes stars with anywhere between sixteen and more than one hundred solar masses, and luminosities millions of times greater than ...

Elephant age estimated from voice

A paper published in Bioacoustics explains how researchers have been able to estimate the age of an elephant based on its vocal sounds. Results showed that they could distinguish infants, calves, juveniles, and adults with ...

In situ chemical imaging at the sub-biofilm-scale now possible

(Phys.org) —Catching biofilm chemistry with images has always been a cold or dry affair. Now, a multidisciplinary team at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is the first to demonstrate imaging of a biofilm's chemical ...

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