
Fossil research affected by significant colonial bias, study finds

The fossil record, which documents the history of life on Earth, is heavily biased by influences such as colonialism, history and global economics, argues a new study involving paleontologists at the University of Birmingham ...

Shaping the development trajectories of exchange relationships

Researchers from University of Melbourne, ESSEC Business School, and University of Wisconsin—Madison published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that provides fresh insights into some of the underlying processes ...

Decoding protein assembly dynamics with artificial protein needles

Protein assembly is essential for the formation of ordered biological structures, but imagine engineering one. This is exactly what researchers at Tokyo Tech have now accomplished with protein needles. By regulating the tip-to-tip ...

Organic light emitting diodes operated by 1.5 V battery

Researchers at Institute for Molecular Science, and University of Toyama, in Japan, report an efficient organic light emitting diode (OLED) operable by a 1.5-V battery that produces bright emission equivalent to luminance ...

Dog brains can distinguish between languages

Dog brains can detect speech and show different activity patterns to familiar and unfamiliar languages, according to a new brain imaging study by researchers from the Department of Ethology, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary). ...

Scientists coolly recall fiery volcano visit

Far above the populated towns on La Palma in Spain's Canary Islands, off the coast of western Africa, Esteban Gazel and Kyle Dayton carried equipment from their car and hiked toward the erupting Cumbre Vieja volcano's active ...

Bacterial genome is regulated by an ancient molecule

We are all collections of cells, each cell containing the instructions—our DNA—to become any other cell. What differentiates a heart cell from a skin cell from a brain cell is the expression—or silencing—of genes.

Synthetic gene circuits that improve stem cell quality

Because iPS cells can be made into just about any cell type in the body, they have great promise for cell therapies. One major problem, however, is that not all reprogramming cells successfully become iPS cells, resulting ...

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