
Zoo air contains enough DNA to identify the animals inside

The air in a zoo is full of smells, from the fish used for feed to the manure from the grazing herbivores, but now we know it is also full of DNA from the animals living there. In the journal Current Biology on January 6th, ...

Fingerprint patterns are linked to limb development genes

In the most comprehensive analysis to date, researchers found that the shapes of fingerprints—whether they are circular, wavy, or winding—are influenced by the genes responsible for limb development instead of skin patterning. ...

'Simple' bacteria found to organize in elaborate patterns

Over the past several years, research from University of California San Diego biologist Gürol Süel's laboratory has uncovered a series of remarkable features exhibited by clusters of bacteria that live together in communities ...

Researchers detect two-dimensional kagome surface states

Kogome lattices have become a new focus in the study of condensed matter physics for their novel features. However, due to the in-plane and interlayer interactions in materials, the intrinsic features of the 2D kogome lattices ...

Astronomers witness a dying star reach its explosive end

For the very first time, astronomers have imaged in real time the dramatic end to a red supergiant's life, watching the massive star's rapid self-destruction and final death throes before it collapsed into a Type II supernova.

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