
Moving forward with mRNA medicines

In cells, ribosomes translate messenger RNA (mRNA) into proteins. And in the nascent field of mRNA therapeutics, researchers and investors are hoping to translate mRNA drugs from the lab to the medicine cabinet. Until now, ...

DNA-based method detects trace amounts of peanut in foods

For people with severe peanut allergies, eating even miniscule amounts of the legume can trigger anaphylaxis —- a life-threatening condition characterized by dizziness, breathing difficulties and, sometimes, loss of consciousness. ...

A pill for delivering biomedical micromotors

Using tiny micromotors to diagnose and treat disease in the human body could soon be a reality. But keeping these devices intact as they travel through the body remains a hurdle. Now in a study appearing in ACS Nano, scientists ...

Signs of bac­teria in the bovine fetus

Contrary to earlier assumptions, the intestines of newborn calves are not sterile, but contain DNA from various bacteria. Bacteria or their fragments originating in the mother may be significant to the development of the ...

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