
Scientists harvest 1st vegetables in Antarctic greenhouse

Scientists in Antarctica have harvested their first crop of vegetables grown without earth, daylight or pesticides as part of a project designed to help astronauts cultivate fresh food on other planets.

What's happening in Orion's Horsehead Nebula?

Two research teams used a map from NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA, to uncover new findings about stars forming in Orion's iconic Horsehead Nebula. The map reveals vital details for getting ...

Researchers engineer new proteins to help solve global problems

Researchers from Victoria University of Wellington's Ferrier Research Institute have made significant progress in the science of protein engineering, achieving a breakthrough which has implications for tackling global problems ...

Training computers to recognize dynamic events

A person watching videos that show things opening—a door, a book, curtains, a blooming flower, a yawning dog—easily understands the same type of action is depicted in each clip.

Determining the timing of methanogen evolution

Early forms of life very likely had metabolisms that transformed the primordial Earth, such as initiating the carbon cycle and producing most of the planet's oxygen through photosynthesis. About 3.5 billion years ago, the ...

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