
New trap better at snaring stable flies

A new stable fly trap, now on the market, catches more flies than the standard trap, according to a recent Agricultural Research Service (ARS) study.

What makes a faster typist?

The largest-ever dataset on typing speeds and styles, based on 136 million keystrokes from 168,000 volunteers, finds that the fastest typists not only make fewer errors, but they often type the next key before the previous ...

Dairy farms are using too much water

Dr. David Campbell, associate professor of water conservation at Heriot-Watt University, said: "The UK uses around 40.9 billion litres of water each year to produce 14 billion litres of milk. There is certainly room for improvement ...

Geographers investigate ancient land use near the Jordan Valley

Geographers from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have been investigating climate change and land use in the Southern Levant since the last ice age. In conjunction with other researchers from Jordan, ...

Eating less enables lemurs to live longer

Chronic caloric restriction consists of eating a reduced but balanced diet from early adult life onward. Previous research, into macaques in particular (which have an average lifespan of forty years), had already demonstrated ...

Quality assurance for autonomous systems

Cyber-physical systems combine electronics, software and mechanics. They are highly complex, and in addition to many application possibilities, raises a whole range of issues. They are dependent on error-free software, and ...

Avoid south-facing birdhouses—for the nestlings' sake

Ten-day-old baby birds are able to maintain their regular body temperature despite nest box temperatures of 50 degrees C or above. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden now report that nestlings pay a high price for regulating ...

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