
Chaperones can hold protein in non-equilibrium states

Chaperones are specialized proteins in the cell that help other proteins to reach their functional 3-D shapes, which correspond to the states preferred at thermodynamic equilibrium. But a new study by EPFL, UNIL and INSERM ...

Researchers convert CO to CO2 with a single metal atom

Researchers from Washington State University and Tufts University have demonstrated for the first time that a single metal atom can act as a catalyst in converting carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, a chemical reaction ...

Ball or stuffed toy—do dogs 'know' what they're smelling?

Dogs' excellent sense of smell is well-known, whether it is in the context of searching for people or for contraband substances. However, the question of how dogs understand what they perceive with their sense of smell has ...

Squaring the circle: Merchandising embarrassing products

Buying an intimate personal care product can be embarrassing, especially if the act is observed by acquaintances or perfect strangers. From selecting the product to carrying it to a register, to placing it on the counter ...

The family-owned-franchise penalty

While a family-owned business may have marketing appeal, franchisees that are family-owned don't, on average, perform as well financially as non-family owned franchisees. That critical insight was revealed in recent research ...

Team invents new way to 'see' the quantum world

JILA scientists have invented a new imaging technique that produces rapid, precise measurements of quantum behavior in an atomic clock in the form of near-instant visual art.

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