
Discovery aids disease elimination efforts

Researchers at the University of Dundee have identified a new drug target in parasites that cause major neglected tropical diseases, a discovery that contributes towards a global drive to eliminate these diseases by 2030.

How maths can answer questions we haven't thought of yet

Maths is considered an instrument that produces correct answers to our questions about the universe. For example, maths can predict correctly that if you have two apples and eat an apple a day, they will last you precisely ...

Blue-green algae promises to boost food crop yields

Scientists at ANU have engineered tiny carbon-capturing engines from blue-green algae into plants, in a breakthrough that promises to help boost the yields of important food crops such as wheat, cowpeas and cassava.

Regulator protein key to malaria parasite's lifecycle

Malaria remains a significant threat to human health with approximately 216 million cases annually and over 400,000 deaths worldwide. It is caused by the Plasmodium parasite, which has a complex lifecycle involving transmission ...

Seven steps to success and what's holding women back: study

A group of international female scientists has taken a close look at their profession and discovered the barriers to success—while also pinpointing the sometimes simple changes that can be made to attract more women into ...

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