
Gender perspectives in Puerto Rican childhood education

For the last few weeks, Puerto Rico's streets have seen protesters for and against the incorporation of 'perspectivas de género' or gender perspectives in the public schools' curriculum.

Lifeline extended for critically endangered porpoise

Mexico's recent decision to buy-out gillnet fisheries in the upper Gulf of California may give one of the world's rarest species the breathing space it needs to survive. Time is still ticking, but the move provides hope for ...

Image: Training for Sentinel-2A launch

On 25 February, the Sentinel-2A Mission Control Team at ESOC, ESA's mission operations centre, Darmstadt, Germany, commenced simulation training for the critical launch and early orbit phase.

Is generosity essential to human existence?

When Dennis ole Sonkoi was a child he never gave much thought to sharing. Growing up in Kenya as part of the Maasai community – a pastoral group of herdsmen that travels throughout Kenya and Tanzania – it was routine ...

Applications of networked micro-drones

Micro-drones are already being put to use in a large number of areas: These small aircraft face extensive requirements when performing aerial observation tasks or when deployed in the field of disaster management. A newly ...

New 'enigma' moth helps crack evolution's code

Aenigmatinea glatzella – which has iridescent gold and purple wings – is a 'living dinosaur' that represents an entirely new family of primitive moths. This is the first time since the 1970s that a new family of primitive ...

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