
Norway lobsters' appetite for jellyfish caught on camera

Norway lobsters' secret love of jellyfish has been caught on camera for the first time, raising questions about whether jellyfish blooms are pests or potential food sources for the commercial fishing industry.

Lab unlocks secrets of nanoscale 3-D printing

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have discovered novel ways to extend the capabilities of two-photon lithography (TPL), a high-resolution 3-D printing technique capable of producing nanoscale features ...

Scientists lay out why some origami won't fold under pressure

Scientists and engineers are fascinated by self-folding structures. Imagine the possibilities: heart stents that unfold in the right location or pop-up tents that assemble at the press of a button, as well as nanoscale versions ...

Lightening up soybean leaves may boost food supply

A new university-led study has shown that lightening the color of soybean leaves may increase the growth and yield of this major world food crop. The finding offers a strategy to help address Earth's future food needs.

Leaving flatland – quantum Hall physics in 4-D

In literature, the potential existence of extra dimensions was discussed in Edwin Abbott's satirical novel "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions" (1884), portraying the Victorian society in 19th century England as a hierarchical ...

Library of galaxy histories reconstructed from motions of stars

Just as the sun is moving within the Milky Way, all the stars in galaxies are moving, but with very different orbits. Some of the stars have strong rotations, while others may be moving randomly with no clear rotation. Comparing ...

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