
The color of magnets

Particle physics and decorative glassware are two disciplines that don't often meet. But given the striking results of a recent artist-scientist collaboration, perhaps that could change.

Did ancient irrigation technology travel Silk Road?

Using satellite imaging and drone reconnaissance, archaeologists from Washington University in St. Louis have discovered an ancient irrigation system that allowed a farming community in arid northwestern China to raise livestock ...

A manifesto for designing cities

"The city is a people's art, a shared experience," a Philadelphia architect and planner named Edmund Bacon once wrote, adding that any urban designer's job was to "conceive an idea, implant it, and nurture its growth in the ...

Data mining to protect water quality in southeast Ohio

Tapping into its water-quality expertise, Ohio University's Appalachian Watershed Research Group (AWRG) is assessing data collected from regional mining operations in a first-of-its-kind study, to better predict how groundwater ...

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