
Towards better forecasts of slab avalanches

A team of researchers from EPFL and the SLF has developed a new model that describes how slab avalanches release. In the long run, it will allow improving avalanche forecasting.

Video: Cotton candy machine used to regrow human tissue

This cotton candy machine has a higher calling than satisfying a sweet tooth. It's whipping up polymer fibers that may one day be a key ingredient in life-saving medical technologies.

Bacteria in estuaries have genes for antibiotic resistance

An international group of researchers, including Professor Michael Gillings from Macquarie University, have reported that pollution with antibiotics and resistance genes is causing potentially dangerous changes to local bacteria ...

Water-based, biocompatible 2-D inks for printed electronics

Researchers at The University of Manchester have developed a method of producing water-based and inkjet printable 2-D material inks, which could bring 2-D crystal heterostructures from the lab into real-world products.

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