
Feral chickens spread light on evolution

Different genes are involved during the adaptation of a domestic animal to life in the wild than when a wild animal becomes domesticated. This is the conclusion of a study led by a researcher at Linköping University in Sweden ...

Ethics review identifies top two challenges for genome editing

Preventing the transmission of inherited genetic diseases, and increasing food production rates in farmed animals are two potential applications of genome editing technologies that require urgent ethical scrutiny, according ...

Artificial 2-D crystals modified at the touch of a button

Charged particles can form via self-organization processes an unexpectedly large range of crystal structures entirely by themselves. A research team with participants from TU Wien has demonstrated how easily the formation ...

3-D printed fish fossil may reveal origin of human teeth

Three-dimensional prints of a 400 million year old fish fossil from around Lake Burrinjuck in southeast Australia reveal the possible evolutionary origins of human teeth, according to new research by The Australian National ...

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