
The Danish nitrogen budget in a nutshell

Cutting food waste, improving the recycling of nitrogen in food production and new agricultural technologies are some of the methods that can be used to reduce nitrogen emissions to the environment. These are the conclusion ...

Memory is greater threat to romantic relationships than Facebook

A new study was designed to test whether contacts in a person's Facebook friends list who are romantically desirable are more or less of a threat to an existing relationship than are potential partners a person can recall ...

Hydrogen for all seasons

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich chemists have developed novel porous materials called "covalent organic frameworks", which provide a basis for the design of polymeric photocatalysts with tunable physical, chemical ...

A micro-supercapacitor with unmatched energy storage performance

A micro-supercapacitor made using a new electrode reached an energy density 1,000 times greater than existing electrochemical capacitors. With such a performance, comparable to current Li-ion micro-batteries, this energy ...

Invisibility cloak might enhance efficiency of solar cells

Success of the energy turnaround will depend decisively on the extended use of renewable energy sources. However, their efficiency partly is much smaller than that of conventional energy sources. The efficiency of commercially ...

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