
Bird flu kills scores of sea lions in Argentina

Scores of sea lions have died from bird flu in Argentina, officials said Tuesday, as an unprecedented global outbreak continues to infect mammals, raising fears it could spread more easily among humans.

Dense Neptune-sized exoplanet discovered with TESS

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team of astronomers has discovered a new massive and dense exoplanet. The newfound alien world, designated TOI-332 b, is one of the densest Neptune-sized ...

Optimizing molecular photoswitches for solar energy harvesting

Molecular photoswitches that can both convert and store energy could be used to make solar energy harvesting more efficient. A team of researchers has used a quantum computing method to find a particularly efficient molecular ...

Researchers discover tin hydride with properties of strange metal

Scientists from Skoltech, the Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, and the Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR) in Beijing, China, are exploring the superconductivity of polyhydrides—compounds ...

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